On behalf of The OpEd Project, The Boone Family Foundation, and The Dallas Public Voices Leadership & Advisory Committee, we are thrilled to announce the twenty civic and social justice leaders selected for the sixth cohort of the Dallas Public Voices Fellowship, including four standout alumni, who will serve in a special role within the cohort and work alongside The OpEd Project team to ensure the continued success and legacy of the broader Dallas Public Voices initiative.
Anniryn Armstrong Art Director and Administrator for VRIC, Valley Ranch Islamic Center
Ranjana Bhandari Founder and Chair, Liveable Arlington
Sandra Bowie Engagement Manager, City of Dallas
Lorin R. Carter Founder & Chief Strategist, C-Suite Consulting
Stephanie Drenka Founder, VISIBLE Magazine
Robbie Esteban Principle, IF Institute
Sandra Godina Director of Programs and Organizing, Leadership for Educational Equity
Alejandra Ramos Gomez Artivist, Dual Language Educator, Curriculum Writer, Freelance, Dallas ISD
Tina Green Founder, The Bear & The Fawn
HaeSung Han Co-Founder and CEO, POETIC
Sameena Karmally Attorney and Board Member, ACLU of Texas
Nancy Kasten Rabbi, Faith Commons
Michelle Kinder Author, Speaker, Director of Social Change Leadership Program, Michelle Kinder LLC
Bemnet Meshesha Manager, Community Relations Strategic Development, State Fair of Texas
Aceil Rashid Director of Transitional Housing, Mosaic Family Services
Joli Robinson Manager of the Office of Community Affairs and Youth Outreach Unit, Dallas Police Department
Rija Siddiqui Pediatrician in Dallas
Roselle Tenorio Grants and Programs Coordinator, Texas Women’s Foundation
Severina Ware Community Engagement Manager, Wesley-Rankin Community Center
Veronica Ray Whitehead Reproductive Justice and Health Equity Advocate, North Texas Alliance to Reduce Unintended Pregnancy in Teens
The Dallas Public Voices Fellowship is part of an ambitious national initiative to change who writes history. Launched by The OpEd Project in collaboration with a core group of institutional partners, including Yale University, the Ford Foundation and more than a dozen others, we have had extraordinary success accelerating the ideas and impact of new and necessary voices at the highest levels in their fields, including women of all backgrounds.
Fellows will receive extraordinary support, skills and mentoring to ensure their ideas shape the greater public conversation. Fellows from previous cohorts have published in high-impact venues, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, the influential TED blog, and Huffington Post, among others. They have appeared on CNN, CNBC, NPR Radio and other broadcast outlets. They have given TED talks, briefed Congress, advised the White House, launched new research studies and centers, founded nonprofit organizations and community initiatives, and sparked national and international debate.
Following a tremendously competitive application process, we are pleased to announce the 2020 Dallas Public Voices Fellows and invite you to read more about their work here.